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19: Storytelling at Scale with Celebrity Brand Builder, Nick Nanton (22-Time Emmy Award Winner)

Episode 19 . 57:33

Today, I’m speaking to my good friend, Nick Nanton. In addition to being a musician, author, entrepreneur, and recovering attorney, he’s a 22-time Emmy award-winning documentary film and Broadway director/producer.

He’s interviewed a ton of famous people, including Larry King, Jack Nicklaus, Peter Diamandis, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, will.i.am, Robert Kiyosaki, Dan Sullivan, Jack Canfield, and too many more to list.

He’s also the co-founder of the Celebrity Branding Agency®, which helps business owners become celebrity experts in their field. They represent more than 3,000 clients in 60 countries around the world.

I wanted to explore Nick’s approach to entrepreneurship. It’s one where business and art intersect to create truly unique experiences—not just for him but for the people who are willing to take a chance on his ideas.

You’ll hear how he creatively raises money to fund his films and why his investors aren’t looking for your typical ROI.

We also discuss his creative process for filmmaking, how he operates and manages his agency, company culture, branding, storytelling, and why celebrities are banging down the door to work with him.


“I’m really a business guy first and a creative guy second…You know, I think more accurately I could say I’m a creative guy that had to learn how to do business, to get back to being creative.” – Nick Nanton

“Branding is simply storytelling, and a great brand is a story other people want to share for you.” – Nick Nanton

“When you put a group of people together to accomplish something, it’s so much easier to accomplish than trying to do it on your own.” – Nick Nanton

“Price is only ever an issue when value is a mystery.” – Nick Nanton


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